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Ultimate Guide: 9 Journaling Styles to Boost Creativity and Mindfulness

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It’s Time to Discover Your Creative, Nostalgic, and Spiritual Potential

   Journaling is, without a doubt, one of the most versatile and transformative practices you can incorporate into your daily life. Whether you’re just starting or a journal pro like me, let’s explore these nine popular journaling styles and how they can enrich various facets of our lives. My goal for this post is for you to choose your journaling method and get writing. 

On January 11th, 1985, I was given a little red book with the word ‘Journal’ stamped on the cover in gold foil. I still have it, my very first journal. I still remember my first entry, too, good memories. And so began my love of writing. Since then, I have filled up numerous books with my thoughts, emotions, and aspirations. My journal is a unique space where documenting my personal growth, life events, and creativity comes together.

Now, it’s time to identify the specific interest or goal you want to achieve through journaling. Then, deciding which style will work well for you will be easier. Here are three sections to help you determine what you want to use your journal for.

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Section 1: Self-Exploration and Personal Growth

Journaling is a powerful tool to uncover hidden thoughts and emotions through a dialog with yourself. Unearth hidden feelings and thoughts that pave the way for personal growth.

morning pages
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Free Write (Morning Pages)

The practice of free writing (Morning Pages) invites you to embrace the early hours with unfiltered thoughts. Keep your hand moving over the page and write in a stream-of-consciousness format. This allows you to empty your mind onto paper. 3 pages of writing first thing upon waking up? Can it be done? Give your self 10 minutes every morning or every night. Give it a try. You are unraveling hidden facets of your inner world while at the same time finding mental clarity.

Dream Journaling

Dream journaling takes you on an adventure. The question is, are you in control, or is your subconscious running the show? As you document your dreams, you seek to understand your innermost fears, hopes, and unresolved conflicts. Remember to explore the meaning behind your dreams. Here are six things to remember when documenting your dreams. Write down colors, emotions, settings, people, objects, and symbols. Then, research what you come up with using a trusty dream dictionary.


Harness the power of positive thinking by writing down your goals and affirmations. It’s a tool for manifesting your desires and boosting confidence. Try simple yet powerful affirmations, like “I attract abundance,” “Every day, I get closer to my goals,” or “I radiate positivity and attract positivity in return.” Doing this will infuse your journal with positive energy and intention. This type of journaling aligns with positive psychology principles by emphasizing strengths, positive emotions, and personal growth. 


Section 2: Creativity and Expression

 Unleashing creativity often means breaking the rules and letting your imagination run wild. Explore journaling styles that serve as your artistic playground, where words meet colors, textures, and even mixed media.

Sunshine Prompts
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Prompt Journaling

Prompt journaling is like having a treasure chest of creative ideas waiting to be unlocked. Explore uncharted territories of your imagination, even with just one word to write from. Or try these prompts to kickstart your journaling: “Write about a secret door you discover in your dream home,” “Imagine you can time-travel to any era. Where and when do you go, and why?” These prompts are sure to crack open the imagination floodgates.

Art Journaling

Art journaling begins with doodling. Try it. It’s like a warm-up for your creative muscles. After the doodles are down, I usually lay down some background color. I flip through magazines or my stash of photos. Don’t force this process. Create a mood on the page using a theme, quote, or event. Glue it all down. When I’m in an art journaling mood, I watch my favorite movie and get busy with my trusty supplies. You could have one vibrant mixed-media spread. Try mixing watercolor, Zentangle, and Blackout Poetry.

Creative Writing

A mix of creative writing and journaling is one of my favorite styles. It’s so fun to create a character or plot twist. Creative writing journals provide a limitless canvas where new ideas, characters, and world-building come to life. Try these prompts to ignite your creative writing journaling: “Describe an encounter with a time-traveling librarian who offers to take you to any moment in history.” or “Craft a tale where the protagonist can hear the thoughts of inanimate objects. What secrets do they reveal?” Creepy!

Section 3: Mindfulness and Spiritual Reflection

Now for some moments of stillness and reflection. To help cultivate mindfulness, deepen your spiritual connection, and find your center. The following journaling styles are perfect for easing life’s chaotic pace.

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Bullet (BuJo)

Thank Ryder Carroll for Bullet Journaling for an organized way of bringing order to your creative chaos. It’s a planner, doodle pad, and diary all rolled into one. Don’t just consider it a to-do list; it’s an overall life tracker. You can create habit trackers, mood boards, and even “future logs” to plot your dreams and goals. I have used it to track the books I’ve read and even a month of work outfits—seriously, the sky’s the limit!

One Line a Day

If you don’t have enough time to journal, try One Line a Day. It’s like capturing a snapshot of your life in words daily. You jot down a single sentence that encapsulates a moment, a feeling, or an observation. Not hard at all. Over time, it becomes a fascinating “time capsule” of your life. Imagine reading a line you wrote five years ago and feeling all those memories flood back. Sometimes, One Line a Day Journals are bound together in 5 years.


I saved Gratitude Journaling for last because I want to incorporate it into my journaling life even more in 2024. It isn’t just a feel-good exercise; it’s a decisive shift in perspective. Instead of fixating on what you may be lacking or what went wrong today, zero in on what made you thankful. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share goodness on the interwebs. Write down nuggets of gratitude by pairing them with photos or small mementos, making it a treasure trove of positive vibes.

But Wait! There’s More: Honorable Mentions

We could probably list a hundred ways to journal, but for now, let’s spotlight a few other  journaling styles worthy of  your attention.

Travel Journaling

Perfect for capturing the essence of your adventures and keeping those memories alive. I’m excited use this style on my upcoming trip to Italy.

Worst-Case Scenario

Great for confronting your fears head-on and problem-solving in a safe space. Theraputic, for sure.


A Vlog! Is that term still used? A modern twist on the traditional pen-and-paper method, capturing thoughts and emotions through a camera lens.

Monthly Calendar

Ideal for those who like to see the big picture, it helps you track your activities, and personal milestones over time.

Journaling is a versatile tool for self-exploration, creativity, and mindfulness. The benefits are immense, whether you’re diving deep into your emotions, capturing fleeting moments of gratitude, or simply keeping track of your daily life. As for best habits, consistency is king. What is your favorite style? Even a few minutes a day can make a difference, so keep that journal handy. Happy Writing!
