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Poetry Week 2

April 10



On the interstate, driving home from work,

with a 180 view, but thinking.

All I can think of is my man.

I love him beyond belief.

He’s my memories, desire, relief.

A smart man who wants to read,

and hold my hand,

but not self-serving, he tells me to go to sleep.

I have to get up early,

go to work and do it all over again.

I love him beyond belief.

We’re pancake Saturdays, we fit, 

we balance, we’re movie quote conversations, we slay,

not scattered or missing time,

but proof that God loves us.

Bless us.

Bless us all,

on the interstate, driving home from work.

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April 11


sea, beach, water-250895.jpg

      Do you know that classic from Beethoven, Ode to Joy? I have an Ode to Joy of my own. It’s an Ode to Saturday. As long as I live, Saturday will always be my favorite day. It is the best day of the week.

Ode to Saturday

You are a welcome cup of sunshine,

with a spoonful of birdsong and lilac dew.

Thank you for the warm breezes, the sounds of the sea,

a sweet treat, a forgotten chore,

a lazy dog, a good book.

You are the perfect day for reflection, renewal, and joy.

April 12


I’m curious,

or am I scared of the unexplained?

Too many incidents, far-fetched, fake.

Just like Mulder, I want to believe.

A little hint, a little proof, goes a long way.

Evidence is debatable and suspect.

Just let it be?

I want to believe ghosts are speaking.

I’m superstitious of the raven looming.

Are little green men gathering or Sasquatch watching?

I believe in what is not there.

Just let it be and exercise curiosity.

April 13


ai generated, girl, reading-8679774.jpg

Woodland faeries singing to the setting sun.

A lovely rush of wind that pushes at the wet beach sand.

Red, white, and true blue, hand to the heart.

Fresh ideas, mowed grass, antique shop treasures.

Trinity Library, Pompeii, the White Cliffs of Dover.

A needed rest next to man’s best friend.

Job well done, it is finished.


April 14


old vision board journal art

Virginia welcomes you, I am authentic, I am wild and free, I love memories, I love photographs, taking a confident voyage around simple beauty, the chance to create helps with my sanity.

April 15



Her name is Prudence Care.

Prepare to listen to the wisdom of a wise woman.

Sit up straight, pencils ready.

No judgment, well, maybe with a little smirk.


There is no need to know everything

except to welcome experiences,

get balanced,

and seek enlightenment.


Prudence is watchful, a cool cucumber.

She is careful and diligent with pearls of wisdom.

Take her advice; she is the soul of discretion.

Her rose-colored glasses are promising.

April 16

Definitions of Poetry by C. Sandburg


What is poetry?

A bunch of words partying at a picnic in the rain.

A mummy tomb full of cast-off trinkets.

All the stars in the galaxy flashing, twinkling, and falling to the earth.

A dreamcatcher collecting curious daydreams and confusing nightmares. 

A skill crane you can’t win, full of cheap stuffed animal prizes.

A favorite book collection no one is allowed to touch.

Feathery dust from dragonfly wings.

What is poetry?

April 17

Robert Frost Poem
This is my husband’s favorite poem.
My blackout version has an abducted by aliens vibe.